

Self-book allows you to send messages out to your patients, and then allow them to book into an appointment you give them!

Sending patients self-booking invites holds several benefits for a practice:

  • Can help reduce calls to the practice
  • Can add a clinical code to campaign invites that are sent back to patients’ record
  • Only invited patients can book the appointment available for the chosen campaign slot type
  • Can send multiple campaigns out at the same time (e.g. Flu 65 +, Flu for Minors, Flu Pregnant)
  • Can invite one patient to multiple campaigns at the same time (e.g. Flu jab, Asthma Review)

It gets better!

You can also attach one of our Patient Questionnaires as well.

So you invite a patient for an Asthma review, send them the Asthma ACT questionnaire as well, and get their ACT score before the appointment!

It also allows your practice to send out a campaign message to your selected patients, but target myGP app and non-myGP app users with custom messages.




For myGP app users, you will be able to set up a custom message and give a direct appointment booking invitation.

Non myGP app users will receive a link to click on to begin their booking, or a link to start the Patient Questionnaire if you have sent one.