

You may need to move your toolbar around. We have a few options for you.

Moving the iPLATO Toolbar to a preferred place

  • You can place the toolbar anywhere on the screen, even on a second screen if you have one.
  • Drag the toolbar to your preferred spot on the screen, click the grab space to the right of the toolbar
  • Let go and the toolbar will stick there.

A lot of people find a spot on their screen over the menu or ribbon of their clinical system where the toolbar wouldn’t obscure any options or tabs, but is easy to reach.

Always opens in the same place

  • The toolbar will remember where you placed it.
  • Every time you log into the toolbar, it will always be where you left it.

Snap back to the default position

The iPLATO toolbar has a default position in the upper right of the screen, which generally does not obscure options or information on most clinical systems.
If you have moved the toolbar and want to quickly return it to its default position, press the Arrow button in the top right of the toolbar, it will then snap back to this position.