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iPLATO’s Smoking Patient Questionnaire saves time and money for GP practices



iPLATO’s Smoking Patient Questionnaire saves time and money for GP practices

No practice can operate effectively if patient data is incomplete or out-of-date.

Gathering key health data from patients such as smoking status is not only essential for QOF targets, but it also ensures that patients are given the correct health advice. It is also the case that over-stretched practices may be forced to deprioritise tasks perceived as ‘non-urgent’ in order to focus on immediate treatment. iPLATO understands that the process of maintaining data on smoking status can be a time-intensive administrative task for practices. That is why iPLATO provides the Patient Questionnaire feature free to all myGP Platform customers. 

Case study from Haslington Surgery, Cheshire CCG 

The practice sent out a smoking status myGP Patient Questionnaire to a group of patients, out of which 651 confirmed that they smoked and subsequently received smoking cessation advice. This enabled a large volume of patient records to be automatically updated and achieved the QOF target. Should the practice have chosen to call the patients individually and manually update each record, it would have cost £2,279 in administration time. 

Sending a myGP Patient Questionnaire to thousands of patients can be achieved in just a few minutes, yielding an average response time of just 15 minutes 

Scheduled in advance, with delivery available at any time of the day, myGP Patient Questionnaires are sent as an SMS or as a free data message. The message contains a unique link to the online myGP Patient Questionnaire which ensures the patient can accurately respond to the structured questions and be instantly provided with smoking cessation advice. The patient smoking status and advice given are then automatically provided and coded into the patient’s record.