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(re)Introducing myGP’s patient engagement platform

A single solution. An empowered and healthy population.

With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic came the rapid adoption of healthcare technology across the NHS. As an organisation, we have been providing services to the NHS for the last 15 years, myGP is available through DFOCVC framework, and the last eighteen months has seen my vision for online adoption in the sector catapulted into reality…

We all know that, as a result of COVID-19, patients are now far more likely than before to see their GP remotely. Patients access their medical records and repeat medication online. Clinicians communicate with one another and with their patients virtually. And of course, patients complete online evaluations before receiving treatment. In short – a huge leap forward.

As a result of the rapid adoption of these technologies (and differing supplier offerings), we often hear from friends and colleagues in general practice that the sheer quantity of forms, logins, and pieces of software that they must use on a daily basis has led to frustration, inefficiency, and miscommunication in all directions. Not only is administrative time wasted by utilising one supplier for video consultation, another for messaging, and so on; there is also a pervasive lack of clarity among patients as to which app, website, or other method they should be using to access care in their region.

myGP has been around for many years; working hand-in-glove with practices, CCGs, and other commissioners to understand the day-to-day needs of the NHS and to provide solutions that work. We are not a new entrant into the market, but an established, sustainable, partner to the sector; assured for 97% of England’s patient population. Our Population Health Service have been recommended for use nationally by Sir Mike Richards in the independent review of screening services, as well as in the NHSX digital playbook for cancer screening. We have gained the kind of insight that is only possible with experience and long-fostered relationships.

So, it is with this in mind that I am pleased to introduce (or, indeed, re-introduce) you to myGP’s patient engagement platform; a single, simplified solution to improve interaction between you – the GP practice – and your patients.

Our solution continues to sit on the GPITF framework, ensuring your practice and region meets all regulations. With its roots in patient communication via the myGP app and two-way SMS messaging, it has evolved to be the only end-to-end digital first provider in England. Crucially, it contains within it everything that a practice needs to deliver timely, effective, safe interactions between practitioners and their patients. No more remembering 5 different logins or learning the intricacies of 3 different platforms. We have combined all of our most popular and most-requested functionality together into a single, comprehensive solution; not just including clinical tools, but giving equal import to patient access, via our app of the same name.

Our unique call/recall function has been designed to improve prevention of flu and other viral diseases. Once activated, the platform continually invites a patient for their vaccination or health check appointment, until they book it. Those eligible can then view and book appointment slots on the myGP app, which are exclusively available to them.

We are all working toward the same end goal: improving prevention to support a healthier and more empowered public. myGPs approach to patient engagement not only simplifies access from clinician to patient; it simplifies access to a holistic set of healthcare options for the patient. Our platform literally puts access to a broad range of health and care options at the patient’s fingertips.

But most importantly, as our mission statement has always read, it simplifies access to healthcare.

Want to learn more about the myGP platform and how it can improve prevention in your region? Email our Head of NHS Services, Luke Wyatt, on