

Getting Started with Connect

Connect is our next generation platform. We’ve collated some really useful information to help you start making the most of your bright and shiny new service.

Information Governance is Number 1

No getting started guide is complete in healthcare without first thinking about Information Governance (DS&P). You’ve likely got some questions about using myGP Connect and how IG and GDPR impacts this.

We have this handy guide available that answers all of your questions. Please take some time to read through it and consult with your IG leads.

Get Connected

Our helpful Support team will get your clinical system connected to our platform. We’re usually in touch pretty quickly from the time you sign up to the service. If you’ve signed up and it’s been quite some time and you have not heard from us, you can always contact Support directly.

We integrate with the three principle suppliers in the UK: EMIS, SystmOne, and Vision. We use their secure APIs to send and receive data safely between myGP Connect and your clinical system.

Think About Who Needs Access

How each organisation uses myGP Connect is going to be different, so you need to take some time to consider how you are going to use the service. We’ve listed a few use cases below, which might fuel your minds:

  • Using text messaging and myGP as a convenient and logged communication channel
  • Sending health campaigns for screening and management appointment invites
  • GPs to message patients directly with updates
  • Secretaries or Admin staff messaging patients about the status of letters or referrals
  • Managing what appointments are available for booking online through myGP
  • Clinicians or trained Admin staff triaging appointments booked through myGP (Online Consultation product required)

Each user will need their own login to myGP Connect to be able to manage any settings, Inbox, or work-list they would be working on.

An overview of key functions

To help you become familiar with the key functions of myGP Connect, you can take a look at our Migration Pack.

Click here to view the migration pack.