Support Centre
iPLATO Support Centre
We’re here to help you get the most from iPLATO. We’ve answered some of the most popular queries below. If you have further feedback, we would love to hear from you.
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Bulk Messaging
Batch messaging with automated coding

Appointment Reminder
Automated appt reminders with auto cancellation via SMS.

Flu Campaign
Everything you need to know to run an effective flu season SMS campaign.

The NHS app and iPLATO campaign messaging
Sending messages to the NHS app for patients.

Messaging with Self book
Send patients questionnaires and links to appt booking.
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iPLATO Toolbar & Remote Consultation
Ad hoc messaging with loads of features and video consultation.

Patient Questionnaires
Answers from patients coded into the clinical system

Friends and Family Test
Get your FFT surveys and done each month with iPLATO.

Information on the ever reliable myGP and how your patients benefit from it.

Signposting your patients.

Our online Triage service to help make life better for the practice and patients alike.
Set-up and support
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General Settings
All the basics on setting up your iPLATO system.

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Information Governance
Important information on how we use data
Training and Feedback
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iPLATO Support Centre
Messaging overview
- Clinical codes for incoming messages
- Clinical codes for outgoing messages
- Contact details – recording to the clinical system
- Examples of message templates
- How can a patient onboard the myGP app?
- How to assign a clinical code to your message
- How to change a messages assigned Reply Email
- How to create a Group
- How to create a Template
- How to create a Trigger Word
- How to send a Campaign Message
- How to send a reply from a patient reply within Inbox?
- One Way messaging
- Optimising SMS Credit Use
- Sending a message to a patient
- Set a message to be sent at a later time
- What are examples of mail merges/variable fields for regular messages?
- What are In Queue messages?
- What are useful Trigger Words for Campaign messages?
- What is a Trigger Word?
- What is the Message Confirmation Summary?
- Where are Sent messages located?
- Where is the message Inbox located?
- Where is the message Outbox located?
- Why has the patient response not coded to the clinical system?
The NHS app and iPLATO campaign messaging
Appointment Reminder overview
- A patient has replied CANCEL, but appointment has not cancelled?
- How do I mark an appointment reminder as a Sensitive Appointment for Slots, Clinicians or Clinics?
- How to assign a patient with an Automatic Reminder in a different language
- How to Blacklist a patient's number
- How to create a custom Appointment Reminder
- How to create a new user account
- How to create an Automatic Reminder in a different language
- How to edit the default Automatic Reminder?
- How to enable/disable Appointment Reminders via Slots, Clinicians or Clinics?
- How to exclude Automatic Reminders from sending out on weekends or holidays
- How to mark a patient as hearing impaired
- How to opt a patient out from receiving texts
- How to set up the Summary Report for cancelled appointments
- How to switch-on automatic reminders
- Planning Appointments and Slot Types In Your Appointment Book
- The default Automatic Reminder
- What are some examples of Custom Reminders?
- What are the Best Practice Guidelines?
- What are the variable fields/mail merges for branch practices?
- What are variable fields/mail merges for Appointment Reminders?
- What clinical codes are recorded from SMS traffic?
- What happens if a patient cancels a merged appointment?
- What happens if a patient misspells the CANCEL Trigger Word?
- What is an Undelivered Report and how to set it up?
- What is the Cancellation Confirmation Message?
- What times do my automatic reminders go out?
- When will Automatic Reminders send?
- Why are certain slots/clinics/clinicians not appearing in Custom Reminders?
- Why are certain slots/clinics/clinicians not appearing in Reminder Exclusions?
- Why was a patient with double bookings, unable to cancel appointment?
Flu Campaign overview
- Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign Help Page
- Examples of Flu Campaign template messages
- Flu Campaign Pre-Checklist
- How to create a group for Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign
- How to create a group for Flu Campaign
- How to create a template for Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign
- How to create a template for Flu Campaign
- How to create a trigger word for Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign
- How to create a trigger word for Flu Campaign
- How to send out a Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign message
- How to send out a Flu Campaign
- What are Coronavirus-related message templates?
- What does the Flu Questionnaire look like to a patient?
- What is the COVID signpost?
- What to prepare for a Flu Campaign message
Self Book overview
iPLATO Toolbar and Remote Consultation
- Activating the iPLATO toolbar in EMIS Web
- Activating the iPLATO toolbar in SystmOne
- Allowing a patient to reply to message
- Attaching file to message
- Basic settings within the Toolbar
- Can I use the iPLATO Toolbar from my home PC/Laptop?
- Configuring your EMAS manager for the iPLATO toolbar
- Configuring your EMAS manager for the iPLATO toolbar - Wales
- How do I switch from one practice to another in iPLATO Toolbar?
- How long can an iPLATO Toolbar message be?
- How to apply Background Effects on video call?
- How to create a new template
- How to install iPLATO Toolbar on a desktop
- How to invite more people to a Video Consultation?
- How to log in/log out
- How to login to the iPLATO Toolbar
- How to mark messages as ‘Done’?
- How to send a message to patient
- How to send a message with attachment that a patient can respond to
- How to send a Patient Questionnaire via the iPLATO Toolbar
- How to troubleshoot common issues
- How to update the iPLATO Toolbar
- How to use the in-call chat during video consultation?
- Installing the iPLATO Toolbar via a centrally controlled IT team
- iPLATO toolbar Technical Requirements
- Joining a video call
- Making a Video Call
- Managing Templates
- Monitoring a Patient Questionnaire in the Remote Consultation toolbar
- Monitoring patient responses
- Moving the iPLATO toolbar
- Preparing for a Project to Implement Remote Consultation
- Quick Guide to Inbox
- Quick Guide to the iPLATO Toolbar
- Recording during a video call
- Sending a Patient Questionnaire in the iPLATO Toolbar
- Sending an invite to a video consultation and conducting a video consult
- Sending Patient a Video Invitation
- Sharing during a video call
- Technical requirements - remote consultation toolbar
- Technical requirements - remote consultation toolbar
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting options during a video call
- Using chat option during video call
- Using our Open room for group video consultations
- Video Consultation Best-practice and Recommended Setup
- What are the button options during a video call?
- What is the difference between My Inbox and Practice Inbox?
Patient Questionnaires
- Alcohol Audit C coding
- Alcohol Audit PC coding
- Anxiety PQ coding
- Asthma ACT
- Blood Pressure Coding
- Body Mass Index coding
- Carer PQ Coding
- Contact details PQ from the patient view
- Covid and Flu PQ Coding
- Depression PQ Coding
- Diabetes annual review coding
- Diabetes annual review Patient Questionnaire - Patients view
- Ethnicity coding
- Give feedback on Patient Questionnaires
- Health check lite PQ coding
- How can I monitor Patient Questionnaire responses?
- How to save a Questionnaire to clinical system?
- How to send out a Patient Questionnaire?
- Influenza PQ coding
- Monitoring a patient's response to a message or a Patient Questionnaire
- Oral Contraception PQ coding
- Physical activity PQ coding
- Physical activity PQ from a patient view
- Smoking Status
- Spoken Language coding
- Spoken language Patient Questionnaire
- What are Patient Questionnaires?
- What does an Asthma questionnaire look like from patient view?
- What does Anxiety questionnaire look like from patient view?
- What does BMI questionnaire look like from patient view?
- What does BP questionnaire look like from patient view?
- What does Depression questionnaire look like from patient view?
- What does Ethnicity questionnaire look like from patient view?
- What does Smoking Status questionnaire look like from patient view?
- What does the Alcohol Audit C look like from a patients perspective
- What does the Alcohol Audit PC look like from a patients perspective
- What does the Carer Patient Questionnaire look like to a patient?
- What does the Flu and COVID Vaccine check Patient Questionnaire look like to a patient?
- What does the Health Check Questionnaire look like to a patient?
- What does the Oral Contraception questionnaire look like from a patients view?
- What Templates are available for Patient Questionnaire?
- Which clinical codes are sent for Patient Questionnaires?
Information GovernanceInformation Governance
- Accessing Remote Training via Microsoft Teams
- Can I export information from myGP Connect?
- Can I print information from myGP Connect?
- Can the CANCEL Trigger Word activate in a different language?
- Can you turn off Cancellation Confirmation Messages?
- Creating a new user account
- Do patients get charged when replying to the practice?
- Do you have advice on how GDPR impacts the use of iPLATO services
- Does myGP app count towards Patient Online registration target?
- Does myGP Connect send Booking Confirmation messages?
- Functionality: Patient Import
- Having trouble logging in?
- How are messages sent from the myGP Connect system?
- How are patients entered into myGP Connect?
- How can I reset your iPLATO toolbar
- How do I delete a Contact?
- How do I delete a User account?
- How do I delete or edit a Group?
- How do I disable the Automatic Cancellation Message?
- How do I edit a Trigger Word?
- How do I edit or delete a Template?
- How do I enable the Automatic Cancellation Message?
- How do I log into myGP Connect?
- How do I make changes to my User Account?
- How do I make changes to my User Account?
- How do I purchase more SMS credits?
- How do I set up Multi factor authentication?
- How do I turn off Appointment Reminders?
- How do I turn off Messages?
- How do I turn off the Clinical Codes linked to SMS traffic?
- How do patients register for the mygp app?
- How long can SMS messages be?
- How long does it take for a cancelled appointment to be available to book?
- How long does it take for Clinical Codes to file within clinical system?
- How to assign all SMS Replies to an email address?
- How to customise exceeding the SMS message length
- How to set up a low credit alert
- How to update the TPP/SystmOne phonebook
- If a message fails to deliver, will anything be coded to the patient medical record?
- If a message fails to deliver, will anything be coded to the patient's medical records?
- Is the myGP Connect system fully automated?
- Is the myGP Connect system secure?
- Our practice is changing clinical systems, what will happen to patients currently registered on myGP?
- Our practice is changing clinical systems, will it effect myGP Connect?
- Our practice is merging with another practice, will it effect myGP Connect?
- What are the differences between user roles?
- What are the Sync Times for appointment data?
- What does it mean if the New Message page has been disabled?
- What if I need to access myGP Connect across multiple sites?
- What if I need to reset my password?
- What is a manual message?
- What is a message template?
- What is Multi-Factor Authentication or MFA?
- What is the Home page?
- What is the latest a patient can cancel their appointment?
- What is the maximum length for one message?
- What is the Replication Status?
- What is the Summary page in the Home tab?
- What languages can I set in myGP Connect?
- What medical records can show in the myGP app and how do I control them?
- When do I receive the Undelivered Report?
- Where are FFT PRO reports stored?
- Who has authority to manage credit balances?
- Why are Clinical Codes not appearing in the patient's record?
- Why has Auto Cancellation not worked?
myGP overview
- Call/Recall Campaign Help
- Can a patient book multiple appointments with the myGP app?
- How a patient can add a dependent in myGP app
- How are patients booking appointments with myGP even though it has not been enabled?
- How can a patient access medical records on myGP app?
- How can a patient book an appointment on myGP app?
- How can a patient order prescriptions on myGP app?
- How do i opt out a patient from receiving the myGP Recruitment Campaign?
- How does a patient onboard using NHS Online Credentials?
- How does the myGP Recruitment Campaign look from a patient view?
- How to assign the Appointment Settings for the myGP app?
- How to configure doctors and nurses for the myGP app
- How to enable Slot Types for the myGP app
- How to enable Teenage Consent
- How to sign up for myGP Recruitment Campaign
- How to use NHS Barcode with myGP App
- myGP - Verifying patient ID with remote vouching
- myGP Connect Migration
- What are Data Messages?
- What is Teenage Consent?
- What is the myGP Recruitment Campaign?
- What is the Practice Information section?
Triage overview
- Adding Outcome catagories
- Getting your practices unique URL for web triage
- How can I add a comment to a patient request?
- How can I archive a Triage Request?
- How can I assign a Triage request to a user?
- How can I flag a Triage enquiry?
- How can I manually code a patient Triage request?
- How can I monitor Triage requests?
- How can I see clinical codes assigned to patient request?
- How do I assign an Outcome to a Triage request
- How do I limit the number of Triage requests
- How does myGP Triage work for preGP users?
- How does third-party myGP Triage display to patients?
- How to activate myGP Triage
- How to activate Third-party myGP Triage
- How to assign a user to a Triage category?
- How to delete a user from a Triage category?
- How to disable Active Hours for Triage category?
- How to disable Automated clinical coding?
- How to enable Automated clinical coding?
- How to set Active Hours for Triage?
- How to un-archive a Triage Request?
- How to view attachments in myGP Triage inbox
- Promo web banners for your myGP Triage solution
- Quick reply to a Triage request
- Triage on the web
- Viewing patient attachments
- What are the automated clinical codes for Triage?
- What do Repeat Prescriptions requests look like for a patient in Triage?
- What does the Admin Enquiry request look like for a patient in Triage?
- What does the Medical Issues request look like for patient in Triage?
- What does the online journey look like to a patient?
- What happens if a patient requests Medical Examinations/Reports via Triage?
- What happens if a patient requests to Update Contact Details via Triage?
- What happens when a patient requests GP Letter via Triage?
- What happens when a patient requests NHS Online Credentials via Triage?
- What happens when a patient requests Sick Note via Triage?
- What happens when a patient requests Test Result via Triage?
pregp overview
- Benefits of preGP signposting
- Can I use the same Appointment Reason across multiple signposts on preGP?
- Can you turn off the Fit Note signpost in preGP?
- How do Automatic Reminders work?
- How does myGP Triage work for preGP users?
- How does preGP work?
- How many Local Services can I add in preGP?
- How to activate Local Services?
- How to activate preGP?
- How to activate Specialist Service signpost
- How to activate the Telephone Appointment signpost?
- How to enable clinical slots for preGP
- How to switch off Pharmacy Service
- preGP - Managing the Service For Your Practice
- preGP Deployment Process
- What are Appointment Reasons?
- What are the default Local Services?
- What are the text character limits for preGP local services?
- What happens when no appointments are availble?
- What is preGP?
- What is the Fit Note signpost?
- What is the Local Services signpost?
- What is the Pharmacy signpost?
- What is the Specialist Service signpost?
- What is the Telephone Appointment signpost?
- Will preGP signposting work for dependents within a guardian's myGP app?
Webinar Hub
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