

Patients have the ability to action Triage requests if you have enabled the myGP Triage feature within Connect. In order to monitor these requests, please do the following:

  • Log in to myGP Connect
  • From Home page click on the Messages tab
  • Select Triage Request within the Inbox subsection
  • This will bring you to the Triage Request page to monitor requests:

On this page users will be able to track patient requests with the following Filters:

  • Fulltext Search: search for a request based on search criteria
  • Status: filter search requests based on Open or Closed status
  • Request Type: filter requests based request type
  • Topic: filter requests based on request topic
  • Assign to user: filter requests based on requests assigned to specific user
  • From Date/To Date: filter requests based on timespan

Requests are broken down into the following information columns and features:

  • Assign to user: assign a specific user a request
  • Patient ID: patient’s clinical system ID
  • Confirmed Contact Number: patient’s contactable phone number
  • Date: specific date the request was received
  • Time: specific time the request was received
  • Request Type: if request is a Admin query, Medical issue or Repeat prescription request
  • Topic: if the Admin request topic is a Fit Note, NHS Online Credentials, GP Letter, Medical examination/report, Test Results or Update contact details
  • Description: freehand text that the patient added during the request process
  • Flag: option to prioritise request with a Red Flag
  • Status: if the request is still open or marked complete
  • Outcomes: Shows if an outcome has been assigned to the request
  • Archive: option to archive request