

Influenza PQ coding

Influenza PQ coding

Coding is based on the patient’s response.

Patient response

I’d prefer not to have my flu vaccination

  • SNOMED: 822931000000100
  • EMIS Read code V2: 9OX51
  • S1 Read code V3: XaZ0i

Iโ€™ve received my flu vaccination elsewhere

  • SNOMED: 955651000000100
  • EMIS Read code V2: 65E20
  • S1 Read code V3: XaZ0e

Iโ€™d like to have my flu vaccine and will contact you to book an appointment

  • SNOMED: 1411000119106
  • EMIS Read code V2: ZV048
  • S1 Read code V3: ZV048