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Elevating Research Recruitment Efforts



Elevating Research Recruitment Efforts

Elevating Research Recruitment Efforts 

 The Our Future Health research programme aims to recruit 5 million representative volunteers across the UK. Volunteer criteria specify aged 18 and over, living in England, representative population sample. The programme will create an incredibly rich dataset for research, leading to major new innovations in the prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases such as dementia, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Our Future Health partnered with iPLATO to boost their volunteer recruitment efforts across the country 


Accessing patient populations 


  • Already deploying other methods, such as letters and adverts.  
  • Required scheduled communications to be sent to patient population lists, near mobile and fixed onboarding sites.  
  • Managing capacity constraints and changing locations, flexibility and responsiveness is required. 
  • Little pre-existing market awareness within the NHS.  


  • Health system wide engagement.  
  • Information webinars for onboarding.  
  • Clinical safety and information governance-centred.  
  • Follow-up collateral and supporting assets.  
  • Deploy patient recruitment at scale. 
  • Direct messaging Click-through rates of 15% from patients  
  • 37% Click-through rate for myGP app users